Biodiversity Policy

Biodiversity Policy

As TAV Airports Holding and Group Companies, we place importance on the protection of living species and diversity for the sustainability of our planet, as well as on undertaking remedial actions to prevent the deterioration of the ecosystem. we adopt the protection of biodiversity within the framework of the precautionary hierarchy, restoration, management, monitoring and information activities in the areas affected by our operations.

In line with this approach, we strive to comply with all relevant national and international legal requirements while adhering to the evaluation criteria of international environmental and social standards, such as the IFC Performance Standards, EBRD Performance Requirements, and Equator Principles. In this regard we pledge to;
• To take the necessary steps for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and to adopt the principles of ACT4NATURE,
• To evaluate our direct and indirect impacts on the ecosystem and biodiversity we live inwithin the limits of our fields of activity, in the process of determining risks and impacts,
• To implement the measures to protect and preserve biodiversity according to the hierarchy of actions,
• To promote the sustainable management of living organisms and their habitats while determining our business goals,
• To maintain sensitivity to changing conditions in the implementation of environmental mitigation and impact management measures and to monitor the results throughout the life cycle of our operations,
• Ensuring that our activities do not cause adverse effects on critically endangered and/or endangered species, habitats crucial for endemic and/or narrowly distributed species, habitats hosting globally significant migratory species and/or dense species populations, as well as highly threatened and/or rare ecosystems worldwide,
• Collaborating with experts on the subject and contributing to biodiversity conservation efforts by sharing knowledge and experience with other stakeholders,
• To carry out awareness activities to increase the awareness of our stakeholders about the importance of biodiversity within the sustainability approach,
We hereby declare and undertake to adhere to these principles.