Enviroment Policy
As TAV Airports Holding and Group Companies, we have established our fundamental principles within the framework of internationally recognized standards to effectively manage the environmental risks associated with our operations and have developed and implemented Environmental Management System designs to ensure their effectiveness.
To ensure the balance between environmental sustainability and business goals; we will implement measures that promote the most efficient use of energy and natural resources in our operations. Our priority principles are preventing pollution, producing less waste and more cost savings with an environmental consciousness. In line with this approach, we strive to comply with all relevant national and international legal requirements while adhering to the evaluation criteria of international environmental and social standards, such as the IFC Performance Standards, EBRD Performance Requirements, and Equator Principles. In this regard, we pledge to;
• To define environmental opportunities and risks with analyses carried out with a systematic and consistent approach; to minimize our environmental impacts, to continuously improve our processes by increasing our environmental performance, to keep under control and reduce potential environmental impacts during the life cycle starting from the design stage,
• To ensure that our Environmental Management System practices, which we will align with accepted standards and frameworks, are in harmony by making them accessible to all our employees and other stakeholders,
• To carry out activities to improve the system by periodically monitoring our environmental sustainability performance,
• To support the work of our stakeholders to ensure the sustainability of natural resources and protect biodiversity based on the best available techniques,
• To prevent or reduce the wastes generation at the source as a result of our activities, to carry out the necessary work to ensure its recycling or recovery, if not possible, to ensure that it’s disposal do not harm the environment,
• To cooperate with all stakeholders in our value chain and to communicate effectively in this context to increase the positive effects of the aviation industry on environmental development and to benefit the local economy in the areas in which we operate,
• To develop and implement measures to minimize environmental damage in case of any accident or emergency during our activities,
We hereby declare and undertake to adhere to these principles.